Sta samen ontspannen stil bij grote levensvragen. Voor mensen die de oppervlakkigheid zat zijn. Gedachten om je op te inspireren! Door Daan van Schalkwijk (A.k.a. Daniel Bernardus), een religieuze bioloog met een fascinatie voor het menselijk hart.
maandag 21 december 2009
Vaticaan & klimaatverandering
vrijdag 18 december 2009
Keuzevrijheid abortus
Een ander verhaal dat te denken geeft is dat van Bernard Nathanson, een vooraanstaand abortus-arts die van mening veranderde. The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind
dinsdag 8 december 2009
vooruitgang nieuwe cholesterol-diagnostiek
woensdag 11 november 2009
Zoek je werk?
maandag 9 november 2009
Directeur abortuskliniek op andere gedachten
vrijdag 6 november 2009
Presentaties over evolutie
maandag 26 oktober 2009
Evolutie door de bril van een natuurkundige
woensdag 21 oktober 2009
tour door Jeruzalem
vrijdag 16 oktober 2009
Inspirerende artikelen van na-communistische leiders
zaterdag 26 september 2009
Sobere studenten?
zaterdag 5 september 2009
Wat Genesis wil zeggen
woensdag 2 september 2009
Terugkerende bankiersfouten
maandag 31 augustus 2009
Tony Blair over geloof & maatschappij
Tony Blair: Society Needs to Give Space to Faith
vrijdag 28 augustus 2009
doorzettingsvermogen... van Nistelrooy
dinsdag 25 augustus 2009
dinsdag 18 augustus 2009
dinsdag 11 augustus 2009
zaterdag 8 augustus 2009
Natuurlijk menselijk - Gaudí
dinsdag 28 juli 2009
Het verschil tussen reageerbuisbaby's en een bril...
Thank you for your reply and for the very reasonable question you ask. I think correcting eyesight with spectacles and using enhanced fertility techniques is clearly different from a natural morality perspective. We need to do some distinguishing.
First of all it is clearly natural for human beings to have children. But at the same time it is not a necessity that a sexual act always results in a child. Children have always been a 'gift', not a necessity; this is also the way most parents describe their experience of having children. Eyesight is not primarily a gift, it is a part of normal functioning. So here is a first clear difference.
Secondly, in humans there is a natural link between the sexual act and procreation. This has a deep significance, because it means that a union of love between two people lies at the origin of every human being. It is clear that every act of artificial insemination and fertilization separates this natural link between sexuality and procreation. In the case of spectacles improving your eyesight, there is no question of any natural process being interrupted. This is a second clear difference between the two situations.
In a broader perspective, it is good to reflect further on the fact that procreation is not only concerned with the 'functioning' of a human person, but actually with the origin of a new person. In the case of natural procreation, this person is the result of an act of love of two people. In the case of artificial procreation techniques, the person results from a technical act by a biomedical expert. The act of procreation becomes 'dehumanised'. It therefore profoundly affects the natural origin of the new person. Spectacles have no such implications.
So natural morality can distinguish clearly between wearing spectacles and creating babies in test-tubes. If people in ecological movements can distinguish what is good for the nature around us, why can't we apply our reason to distinguish what is proper for human nature? It seems to me that such a path would keep us safe from much 'natural resistance' that manipulation would incur – and be the happier for it. Don't you think that if you applied yourself to the question, you could lead us there, Julian?
donderdag 23 juli 2009
Mooi stuk over evolutie
Thank you for the insightful article. I think the concept of information clearly points out the weak spot in the Darwinian theory - can 'random mutation' really generate new information in a sufficiently efficient manner?
But I think new biological insights are also making clear that genetic determinism has other drawbacks. The emerging paradigm of 'systems biology' shows that the causal chain from genes -> epigenetics -> proteins -> cells -> tissues -> organs -> organism - is not one-way traffic. Actually, there is feed-back at all these levels, which makes the information flows within an organism way more complicated. The organism does 'read' the genetic code as an instruction manual, but to do so it needs a very complicated machinery, which is regulated at many levels.
I think we are just starting to understand this complexity. But we can say that Darwinian evolution does not suffice to understand it.
woensdag 22 juli 2009
'Playing God' - again
Thanks for an interesting article.
I think that the point about something being 'natural' or not requires careful distinction. In the philosophical sense of the word the 'nature' of something refers to its 'essence' or what it 'really is'. In this sense the 'natural' development of a human being refers to that development which is proper to human beings, if they are not somehow disturbed.
The examples you quote of starvation and illness are in this context disturbances of natural development. This is also a convincing justification for us to apply medicine: it restores the development to its normal – natural – course. The same reasoning would also lead to a condemnation of techniques that lead to the 'enhancement' of humans as unnatural.
With regard to the technique of producing sperm cells from adult cells and using that to create a baby in a test tube – this clearly has nothing to do with the natural way of human procreation. I understand the noble ideal of helping people to have children – but in morality, the end has never justified the means. So do scientists really want to be involved in a technique that distorts the natural way in which humans procreate, and 'play God' – as you put it? Or should we focus our attention on ways to assist procreation that are respectful of the nature of human beings?
zaterdag 16 mei 2009
Noodsituatie: mijn baby is een meisje!
De Paus - Israel - Islam iets dieper...
zaterdag 9 mei 2009
Lepelenburg een kerkhof?
vrijdag 24 april 2009
Hield Galileo van de kerk?
zondag 12 april 2009
Wat is Pasen vandaag de dag?
Lees de 'urbi et orbi' toespraak van de Paus!
maandag 6 april 2009
AIDS problematiek
vrijdag 27 maart 2009
AIDS in Afrika
maandag 2 maart 2009
Stop de Strijd op Radio 1!
Het interview begint op 1/3 van de uitzending, en duurt minder dan 5 minuten. Het was een leuk gesprek.
donderdag 26 februari 2009
Stop de Strijd!
"Geloof en rede zijn als twee vleugels waarmee de menselijke geest zich verheft om te waarheid te beschouwen." (Johannes Paulus II)
In het Darwinjaar is de strijd tussen creationisten en evolutionisten weer opgelaaid. Jammer, want die hoeft er niet te zijn.
"Stop de Genesis - Wetenschap strijd,
God wil geen van beide kwijt!"